Why Bright Ideas?
- Small class size
- Strictly follow Rhode Island student-to-teacher ratio
- Physically separated age-specific classrooms
- Experienced early childhood education teachers
- Custom-built play areas:
– Two large playgrounds

Tuition and Fees
To inquire about rates for the upcoming school year or our summer camp, please contact Shannon Kelley at [email protected] or call us at (401) 849-0055.
A fee of $10 for the first 10 minutes and $20 per 10 minutes thereafter will be charged for each child picked up after 5:50pm.
Tuition is the sole source of revenue in our school. We have set the following policies to ensure that Bright Ideas remains a financially stable school, which can provide high quality care and schooling to children. A stable and adequate salary is necessary to attract well-educated and well-trained professionals to provide those services. In order to meet our financial obligations, we expect families to comply with the following policies.
Application: To secure a space for your child, we will need a nonrefundable registration fee of $100.00. If there is no space in the preferred classroom, the $100.00 nonrefundable registration fee will ensure a position on the waiting list. This is not a guarantee of placement. Families with a sibling currently enrolled at Bright Ideas will be prioritized. Families currently enrolled at Bright Ideas that wish to add or change days will be prioritized. Date of registration will be the final consideration.
Tuition Payment: Payment is to be paid by Friday of the preceding week. Other payment schedules will be accepted at the discretion of the director only. Such requests are to be made in writing.
Late Fees: There will be a charge of $35.00 for late tuition payments. An additional late fee of $10.00 per day for any tuition payment more than two weeks in arrears will be applied. Tuition is due in advance of the week in attendance. There will be a $35.00 fee for any check that is returned for insufficient funds.
Tax Information: For your tax statement, our federal ID number is 83-1581014. Each family has access to an end of the year summary for payments made during the calendar year. These are generated and sent through our school app called brightwheel.

Please email the owner/director Shannon Kelley at [email protected] to obtain the necessary forms or visit our main office.
We invite you to attend a private tour of our school where you can learn about our facility, classrooms, staff and curriculum. Tours are available, for families that are enrolled or pre-enrolled. We offer them Monday through Thursday at 5:30 pm. Please contact Shannon Kelley at [email protected] or call (401) 849-0055 to arrange a tour.
We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!